
All Around Reel takes inspiration from museum exhibits.

Difficulty: 2/5
Effectiveness: 4/5

Difficulty: 3/5
Effectiveness: 3/5

Augmented Reality
Difficulty: 3/5
Effectiveness: 5/5

The All Around Reel

This method is inspired by moving related objects such as a film reel and old television.

01.Static Direction

The arrangement of this direction is inspired by photo collaging in a way. I wanted to give space to the pictures and the user, so both aspects are not interrupted.

To do this direction, arrange the images around the user, giving space in the center. Make sure to put the object descriptions underneath the photos, and also center aligned.

I think this direction effectively shows the object's information and visuals, though it can get a bit crowded.

1. Select pictures
2. Arrange the images as if it is surrounding the user
3. Add the description text below

02.Video Direction

For the video, I wanted to give focus and less noise to the whole background and spotlights the objects in turn.

Start the video as if the images are placed there, pick an image to first focus on, and isolate the others. Keep repeating using the opacity effect

The video direction gives more space to breathe, shown below.

1. Bring images to After Effects individually
2. Add accompanying text 
3. Pick the first focus image and isolate the others 
4. Start revealing the other images slowly

03.AR Direction

I wanted to bring this method's moving concept and used the Segmentation Feature of Lens Studio.

First, start with the Segmentation template. Bring the desired images into the Resources panel. Manage the assets by accessing the Segmentation Controller [EDIT ME]. Select it and change the Image Texture in the Inspector panel into the desired image.

To activate the image change, make sure to add this Segmentation Changer code to a Script in the Resources panel. Change the trigger in the Script; mine had the Eyebrow Raised Event. Add the new Script through an Empty Object in the Objects panel. Then, select it, go to the Inspector panel, and add the images to the Texture,value component.

Here are how it looks like within Lens Studio, the result and the QR code and link to the filter.

1. Start from the Segmentation template and bring your images to the Resources Panel
2. Choose Segmentation Controller [EDIT ME] and change the Image Texture in the Inspector panel
3. Add the Segmentation Controller code to the Resources panel and change the trigger if desired
4. Add the code into the Objects panel through an Empty Scene Object
5. Add the images in the Texture,value in the Inspector panel